Connection Mentors

Mentoring and Study Skill Support   |

To meet with a Connection Mentor
Visit College Hall 151,
call (567) 661-2275, or

Connection Mentors are student employees who work in the Center for Campus and Community Connections.

Connection Mentors:

  • Help new students navigate college processes and adjust to college student life.
  • Identify and address challenges and barriers to student success.
  • Learn tips and tools for academic success (time management, goal setting, organizational skills, etc.) and share those with students.
  • Build a network of support with college staff and faculty.
  • Help students build their own network of support.
  • Connect to helpful college and community resources.
  • Attend assigned courses (predominantly courses for 1st year students) and build relationships with faculty and students to develop plans to support student retention and success.
  • Apply for state assistance programs through Ohio Job and Family Services.
  • Model a commitment to serve, support, engage and inspire the Owens Community College community.